Trump Declines National Abortion Limit

( – Since the Dobbs decision by the United States Supreme Court, former President Trump has said that abortion limitations should be decided by the states. Some Republicans, including former Vice President Mike Pence, have turned against Trump for not immediately supporting a nationwide ban on the practice.

In late March, Trump said that he would be announcing his stance on backing a federal ban, which finally came on April 8. In a video post released on Truth Social, Trump expressed pride for his role in the ending of Roe v. Wade, referring to his historic Supreme Court appointments that shifted the Court more conservatively.

He said that states would write laws or bring the issue to a vote, adding that those decisions would be “the law of the land, in this case, the law of the states.” He said that states would have various abortion limitations, some of which would be more conservative than others. He continued, pointing out, “At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people.” He urged Americans to advocate for what they believe in based on how they feel in their heart about the issue or their religious beliefs. He reiterated his support for the exceptions to abortion bans, which include incest, rape, and the life of the mother.

Trump also expressed his support for in vitro fertilization, which was the subject of recent Democratic outrage after the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that fertilized eggs were human, prompting many in vitro clinics to cease operations out of fears of lawsuits in the event an embryo gets destroyed. He cautioned Republicans about their approach to abortion, noting that they need to win elections unless they want the country to be destroyed. He reminded Americans of the radical abortion beliefs that Democrats hold, including abortion up to and after birth. He named each Supreme Court Justice who was courageous enough to overturn Roe v. Wade. Biden responded to the announcement by claiming that Trump was worried about being blamed for the Supreme Court ruling.

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