Chicago Among Top Stressed Cities in U.S.

( – The personal finance company WalletHub recently released a report ranking which cities are the most and least stressed in America.

The cities are ranked in terms of financial stress, work stress, family stress, stress regarding health and safety and then given an overall score using all of those factors. While Chicago, Illinois ranks as only the 33rd most stressful city to live it, they come in at number 8 on financial stress alone. Some people, like Illinois state Representative Chris Miller blame the policies of their progressive governor, J.B. Pritzker.

Miller suggests that Pritzker’s facilitation of the enormous influx of illegal immigrants into the city has compromised the safety and security of the residents. Support for the illegals has drained city coffers while citizens are hit with high taxes, high prices and reduced access to public amenities. He has also accused Pritzker of turning Chicago’s education system into indoctrination centers for radical leftist ideologies. Overall, he says the Pritzker administration has gutted quality of life in the city and that businesses and families are fleeing as a result.

Miller’s criticism over how Chicago is run has been going on for a long while. In 2019, he cosponsored legislation that would have made the city a state. He claimed that the downstate constituents had no representation under the current leadership. While that did not pass, Miller still advocates for significant changes to improve the overall livability of Chicago. He says that reducing tax rates, including real estate tax, is crucial to help the citizens of the city. Miller also claims that the criminal justice system in Chicago is ineffective against the crime that is plaguing the city.

While Miller is focused on what their poor ranking says about Chicago, the city was not the worst ranked city in the U.S. The survey’s rankings included 182 cities measuring rates of unemployment, average working hours, and suicide and divorce rates. The most stressed cities in America according to WalletHub’s survey are Baltimore, Maryland at number three, Detroit, Michigan as number two and Cleveland, Ohio at the top of the chart. The least stressed city in the U.S. is Fremont, California, with South Burlington, Vermont and Fargo, North Dakota coming in at second and third least stressed overall.

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