Drew Carey Says, ‘Price Is Right’ Contestants Often Intoxicated

(IntegrityTimes.com) – In a recent interview, Drew Carey, the host of television gameshow The Price is Right, said that it is not unusual for contestants to use alcohol or other recreational substances before getting on stage.

The contestants on the show are selected from the live studio audience based on short interviews of likely choices before filming begins. Despite this, he has enthusiastically declared that interacting with the contestants is his “favorite part” of the job.

Carey says that sometimes he can smell alcohol on the contestants’ breath. He added that they sometimes take marijuana gummies before coming on the stage. He mentioned an incident where comedian and skateboarder Josh Androsky took the stage under the influence of psychedelic mushrooms. Despite his altered state, Androsky did well on the show, winning a prize and making it to the Big Wheel segment. He later discussed the incident on Reddit, where he commented that he’d been an idiot and that he was in such a state that Carey’s face seemed to be melting.

For his part, Carey does not seem perturbed by the intoxicated state of some of the contestants. He commented that he thinks regular people are more interesting than celebrities. He characterizes the audience of The Price is Right as a normal middle class and working class “cross-section of America”. Adding that they all have their own special lives with their own problems, he declared he learns more from interacting with them than from anyone else.

Carey took over hosting The Price is Right when former host Bob Barker retired in 2007. There have been some minor changes to various aspects of the show since Carey stepped into Barker’s shoes but in many ways it’s the same as it’s been since 1956. An avid animal rights advocate, Barker used to end the show by encouraging people to spay and neuter their pets. Carey has continued this tradition but added his own message encouraging people to take care of themselves and their mental health. Carey has described hosting The Price is Right as the ultimate job and says he never wants to leave it.

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